Implementation Finding maze program using Stack(DFS, Backtracking)
It's a one of the assignments of the Data Structure. There are several condition of assignment. 1. Stack must be implemented using an Array. 2. Finding maze program must be implimented using stack that I implement Actually I've implemented finding maze and similar things on baekjoon site that is famous online judge site of korean. So, these assignments are very easy to me. To implement Finding m..
Karnaugh-Map Implementation (only 4×4, Python)
During a recent lecture on Digital Logic Design, my professor surprised us with an unexpected assignment. "If your major is computer science," he announced, "you need to know how to implement a Karnaugh map." Initially, I had been working on an algorithm for a different project, but I paused my work and dove into implementing the K-map. At the outset, it proved to be quite challenging. After muc..
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