[백준 5095번] Matrix Powers (C++)
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/5095 5095번: Matrix Powers The input consists of a number of problems. Each problem starts with a line holding three numbers (N, M, and P) separated by single spaces. 1 ≤ N ≤ 100 is the size (N by N) of the matrix to be processed. 1 ≤ M ≤ 32000 is the modulo base and 1 ≤ www.acmicpc.net 10830 행렬제곱 문제와 똑같은 문제다. 알고리즘 포스팅에서 분할정복을 주제로 한 포스팅이 있었는데, 마지막 부분에 분할정복 연습문제로 분할..